Thursday, July 21, 2005

Paranoia Leaves Me Breathless

After a rather long read it seems that the worlds largest blog space is now owned by both a spyware company and Fox broadcasting. Their privacy policy allows them to sell anything you put on their site to third-parties as well as they now own anything you places there. In addition to that horrific summary they are permitted to change the privacy policy without warning.

Kind of makes you think about what you put on these blogsites...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Another day of funnesses

When we last left our hero, he was hanging by a thread atop the monsterous chasm that was his life.

Tuesday! - I worked out! What a surprise!! I believe it was a first since my high school days. I'm still very sore as I type this on Thursday. I had an unsuccessful blog class as no one signed up or came to it. My wiki's workshop was also attende by the same amount of persons, zero. Scott, Al, Berb and I all went to the campus weight room and lifted alongside the UF football team. I think I knew some of them because one guy I sort of recognized kept giving me pointers. I also ran into an old hall buddy from when I lived in the dorms! It was a very good time indeed.

Wednesday? - Wednesday was cool! I had one person for my podcasting class and I was very fortunate to be able to bring Goz into the mix via skype so that we could all talk over the pros can cons of technology. (i.e. using iriver's as a broadcast medium and the best devices for mp3 playback.) We got tons of new boxes! That's always fun because I can play with new stuff! Apparently the portable DVD player I had ordered was here the whole time and I just wasn't aware. I watched a little bit of monsters inc on it at the end of work. I paid for my insurance for car and arcade machines... bye bye money

Thurday@ - I'm still in it! We had a cookout for lunch. I ate too much and now I'm sleepy. I can't find as good a blog app on the mac as w.bloggar for Windows.... that was a big disappointment. Too many pay apps on the mac. I leave for lakeside in 2 days... Being gone for an entire week is gonna hurt the old pocketbook... We're going lifting once again tonight... The soreness continues
Podcasting at 7:30pm

Monday, June 20, 2005

Last week, the weekend and today.

Last week strewed up some business at work. My IM session went really well and the people rejoiced. I may have found a direct correlation between DDR and my being physically drained the morning after. I've missed the last two podcasts for bitsmack and have almost caught up with Berb in WoW. We had some hard times at work with people being generally not happy with the "beta" product but we're clearing that all up today. Kim came back last night and I couldn't be happier.

The Weekend
Friday I had some scary dreams after unsuccessfully testing out my drummania hardware kit on my ddr machine but it did boot. There was this problem with a black box but I don't need to go into technical junk. Saturday I managed to play WoW with Berb for a few hours before he had to work. I ended up getting really far then accidentally destroyed the item I needed to transform... I felt really stupid so I killed a bunch of trolls.

Scott came over and we ate some lunch and then he played Guild Wars for forever with Sharon and I headed back home at about 8ish. Sunday I had to get up at the crack of dawn to be at the church to help with father's day bfast. We also had a ventriloquist team come and perform which was pretty cool. I haven't seen ventriloquists in years. After church we headed to BK and ransacked some of their displays and mom got the last batch of toys she could. Out of 31 toys we're missing 4... Time to hit ebay! I told day I helped him get the displays for father's day since I didn't get him anything. :)

When we got home I watched a little bit of the race with dad and checked my car up. Filled the oil, aired up the tires, packed up. Then dad showed me his building and one of the plywood walls he setup. It's really coming together nicely! Now if I could just buy a house to put my 2 other arcade games in...

When I got back to findlay Berb was out and no one was at home so I logged on and started playing more WoW. I went with a group through Uldamon and helped a bud do deadmines. It's amazing how I can go a mission that used to take 2 hrs in about 30 mins now :)
I got really close to level 46 but Kim showed up and berb and sharon were watching simpsons in my room so I stopped playing to chill with them.

I start my car insurance on Wednesday. I really like my insurance company. They've been giving me incredible rates on everything! I just hope they perform if I ever have some kind of accident. Well chalk this up to lamest post ever. :)

Oh and I got a DDR ring from my last shipment from Japan.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Weekend business

I had some fun this weekend. Kim and I went to Kenton for the annual Lakeside overnighter at my house. We played everything... Wario Ware, Taiko Drum Master, Mario Power Tennis, TimeSplitters Futur Perfect, Halo 2 we watched the Clerks animated series, I played some WoW, some people played SW Trivial Pursuit, Cranium, Catch phrase and finished off the night with the annual ctf game outside. We played 2 rounds of girls vs. guys this year (10 vs. 6) we were outnumbered but I managed to get the flag in the first game and we were in a stalemate during the second game so we agreed to allow both groups to search each others side for free for 5 mins. The girls had hidden their flag deep under a bush and we never found it but they totally got ours.... Oh well, better luck next year :)

Saturday was a large WoW day for me. Kim had to work from 1:30-6 so I played WoW the entire time with Berb but he had to leave at like 5 for work. Kim came home and we had some dinner and went our separate ways. She's gone all week so this will be the Week of WoW! I'm hoping to get lvl 45 by the end of next week...

Sunday I went to church with the fam, and played with some babies cuz gma was working the nursery. We went to BK for the new SW toys. Mom got 4 new ones. I didn't get anymore for my plush collection... I hung out with Goz the rest of the day at his place playing WoW. I did stop to play with their baby for a bit and helped Goz put up a gate at the bottom of the stairs to keep the kids off the stairs. Mom showed up and I finished a few quests I was on and it was home and then back to Findlay! When I got back I kicked on some Fam Guy and Am Dad while I logged a couple more hours in WoW. Final result, lvl 43 with about 80% to 44. I want to catch RC and maybe even Berb...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Apps, Widgets and chicks

THIS is my FIRST official, non-explanatory post!
Todays post is all about what the title says.

I've been using some cool programs I've found online lately one of which is an anonymous web surfing app that runs on the Windows platform called Tor. This means that you surfing from home turns into you, surfing, from elsewhere in the world. It's not perfect (nothing is) but it's better this way :)

From my "Make my Windows machine look like my Mac" dept:
I've been using a little proggy called Objectdock. The free version is good enough for me, I don't get system tray support but it's cheap :) This enables me to have Mac Dock-like support in Windows. It has all the features of the Mac dock but with a lot more system resources being used as well as more effects the dock can do.

Flyakitev2.0 is a nice little app that takes the boot sequence the start menu strip and modifies several other UI's to make it look almost identical to it's Mac brethren.

Gaim is a slick little multi-IM application that I prefer over trillian for the fact that it is multi-OS. (OSX requires X11, x-code, and fink) it has all the major player messengers plus SILC, IRC, gadu-gadu, zephyr, Novell groupwise. (the ones you'll never use but they're there :) ) There are several plug-ins you can get for free including encrpytion, hiding, etc.


I am and info Sec major so where would I be w/o my sec tools :) I've got ethereal, superscan, and Microsoft Baseline Security Scanner all installed ready to prod at vulnerabilities and the best part is they're ALL FREE!!

Video encoding:
I use a few diff tools for my videos alongside an Archos media jukebox that views in Divx formats. Quicktime Alternative and Real Alternative are must haves b/c of thei ability to incorporate the QT and RM codec base into WMP and allow Dr. Divx to transcode the files into Divx .avi compilations. K-lite codec pack is incredible and includes codecs for about anything imaginable.

For my Widget section I would like to point at Samurize for windows.
It's a tool that allows you to EASILY compile various tasks and run them on your computer. I generated an applet that shows my 4 HDDs and what their percentage of disk space free is along with stats on their accession use and a bar graph of how much spce is being used. I also got some cool looking Apple looking ones for my macish look. :)

I this I think I have to name my main girl Kim P. We've been dating since Oct 1st 2005. She's kept me on task ever since. :) I probably would be where I am today without her. She's a complete pleasure to be around.

Alisha gets mad props for working where she does and putting up with all that. She's getting married soon and plays DDR with me.

Even thought she probably thinks I hate her, Kim M in the time that I was with her taught me a great deal about myself and relationships in general.

Mom has to have a spot here. She looks really young, she's been mistaken as my wife, girlfriend, sister.... Wow, mad props to her :)

Beth at work, she's an awesome 2nd mom chick.

Allison at work, if it wasn't for having her around at work I'd probably go crazy with the work that comes through here and how busy we can get at times.

That's it! Post over!!

Later/tomorrow - Bemani stuff


I know, I know 3 posts in one hour. I designed my day around working on my workshops here at the office. What do I do? I'm part of a University group that trains faculty to use technology in their curriculum. This post is all about using a program called w.bloggar. The program is freeware and is a multi-blogging program where you choose what blog site you use and then authenticate to it. It then allows you to type in a MS Word environment much like the site. It allows for Blogging when you're not online as well, perfect for those long car/plane rides to relatives :)

Today's schedule:
Work till 5pm
pay cable bill

Future events:
Register title on car
get car ins (currently under parents)
lvl 60 on WoW *wishful*
start doing comix on bitsmack


There are Blogs everywhere!! Why can't we all just get along. Let's make it so that whoever wants to post their weblog anywhere can link to their friends across weblogs. I don't like the idea that my friends over at Livejournal or xanga can't add me to their friends list b/c I'm here. I absolutely love the idea of seeing the posts of other persons friends in a new page but the idea that I cannot link across services easily is what is frusterating to me. I could be totally wrong about this and hopefully the comments I get from this post will explain how to do what I'm talking about but it would be a nice feature wouldn't it?

I recenetly graduated college and am new to this whole blog scene because I'm been trying to pull bitsmack back up where it belongs. It's hard to find time to do a blog, 2 jobs a website, WoW, DDR, homework, bills, eat, clean, and sleep. I'm sure the geeks who play MMORPGs 24/7 agree with me, but I'm actually trying to earn my keep. I'll keep you all posted.

K-dog out.

The Strands of Time

When you're a WoW junkie nothing passes time faster than running around the ever popular MMORPG slaughtering what look like dinosaurs and wolves to gather experience as to fight the warring Horde characters.
Last night I got my mount and now I can run 60% faster than before. It doesn't seem like much but in a game that has you spanning 2 continental areas both about as large as the coninent of North America it can save hours or even days depending on how long I stay and play.

Wait, let me start over. I'm starting this blog in response to a class I have to teach on Blogging. I had another special blogsite but I grew tired of that one. I enjoy Blogger because they're Google owned. I enjoy the tools Blogger has here via web rather than Bitsmack, another site I help out with. I stress Blogger's feature set as I own and use a Sprint Treo 650 of which I could not live without. So one might say I'm doing this for work, which I am. Would this be considered Corporate Blogging? You decide, I just like the idea that this is considered work. :)